Andrew Copolov & Elaine Tam
Semionautics Special Report: Eclipse
Stereo audio
10 minutes 32 seconds
Finding the forecast mistaken and getting caught in a downpour may be unpleasant but it’s hardly uncommon. Meteorology, the science which works to systematise the weather, is constantly improving and yet will never be perfect. Weather events that were once understood as isolated came later to be understood as expressions of integrated complex systems. An event which may have once been understood as a miracle or omen came to be seen as information; from the noise we learned to read signals, or so we thought. This audio mix is a work of fiction set in the near future, which takes the form of a report "special" on eclipses. In it, different eclipse readings are counterposed to produce a meditation on the inalienable desire to order, and our fraught attempts to render meaning from indeterminacy.
This work was produced on the occasion of Summa Technologaie seminars by E-flux & Adam Mickiewicz Institute, with thanks to Ed Keller, Carla Leitão and Julieta Aranda.
This audio work was first aired on Montez Press Radio 24th March 8pm EST. Read our Clot Magazine article to find out how the thought of Stanislaw Lem has inspired this work.
Studie I (1953), Karlheinz Stockhausen
Earth Seen from Above (1987), Meredith Monk
Aion (1988), Giancinto Scelsi
Weed in the Freezer (2000), Simo Cell & Abdullah Miniawy
Kontakte (1958-60), Karlheinz Stockhausen
Living Room Music (1940), John Cage
13 Angels Standing Guard... (2000), ASMZ