Sunday 19 April 2020, 8pm (UK)
Artists Geiste Kincinaityte, George Finlay Ramsay, Rebecca Salvadori and curator Elaine Tam collaborate virtually to bring you Chatroom: Empathy. This one hour program comprises a screening of three existing films, as well as a new collaborative piece. In this, textual response meets remote spoken word performance, a means through which the group consider the intimacy and mediation so prescient to our times.
1. Chatroom: Empathy (2020), collaborative piece
2. Empathy (2019) by Rebecca Salvadori
3. Stromboli: Interview with a Volcano (2017) by George Finlay Ramsay
4. The Pool (2020) by Geiste Kincinaityte
About Avantgardening:
"We live in Milan, Europe’s first red zone. Our city and our region have been deeply impacted by the consequences of the virus. We are part of a network of musicians, artists, promoters, curators, activists, technicians, students, writers, dancers, performers, lovers, gardeners. Before all that, we are part of a social tissue that is jeopardized by forced distancing and disillusion. Our aim is to create a platform to raise money for the most vulnerable people in our city.
Avantgardening is a three-day event taking place on Twitch from 17th to 19th April. The program features a vast array of performances; we want to embrace interdisciplinarity and create an exchange of media and languages. Our aim is to transform our communication tools into community ties.
Our Twitch stream will have a “donate” button directly linked to the Paypal account of the Brigate Volontarie per l’Emergenza Milano, a Milan-based organization helping those who are affected by the pandemic, from the elderly to homeless people."
Full programme available here.
Chatroom: Empathy is mentioned in Rebecca Salvadori's interview with Kabul Magazine here.